
Windows Services : A Service Control Shell

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You can control Windows Services from the Administrative Tools, where there is a Services icon. Alternatively, you can control services from the Windows command sc.exe. Finally, you can control a service from within an application, as illustrated in the next example, ServiceShell.
Program 1. ServiceShell: A Service Control Program
/* ServiceShell.c Windows Service Management shell program.
/* Illustrates service control from a program
In general, use the sc.exe command or the "Services"
Administrative tools */
/* commandList supported are:
create Create a service
delete Delete a service
start Start a service
control Control a service */
#include "Everything.h"

static int Create (int, LPTSTR *, LPTSTR);
static int Delete (int, LPTSTR *, LPTSTR);
static int Start (int, LPTSTR *, LPTSTR);
static int Control (int, LPTSTR *, LPTSTR);

static SC_HANDLE hScm;
static BOOL debug;

int _tmain (int argc, LPTSTR argv[])
BOOL exitFlag = FALSE;
TCHAR command[MAX_COMMAND_LINE+10], *pc;
DWORD i, locArgc; /* Local argc */

debug = (argc > 1); /* simple debug flag */
/* Prepare the local "argv" array as pointers to strings */
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ARG; i++) pArgs[i] = argstr[i];
/* Open the SC Control Manager on the local machine,
with the default database, and all access. */

/* Main command processing loop */
_tprintf (_T("\nWindows Service Management"));
while (!exitFlag) {
_tprintf (_T("\nSM$"));
_fgetts (command, MAX_COMMAND_LINE, stdin);
/* Replace the new line character with a string end. */
pc = _tcschr (command, _T('\n')); *pc = _T('\0');

if (debug) _tprintf (_T("%s\n"), command);
/* Convert the command to "argc, argv" form. */
GetArgs (command, &locArgc, pArgs);
CharLower (argstr[0]); /* The command is case-insensitive */

if (debug) _tprintf (_T("\n%s %s %s %s"), argstr[0], argstr[1],
argstr[2], argstr[3]);

if (_tcscmp (argstr[0], _T("create")) == 0) {
Create (locArgc, pArgs, command);
else if (_tcscmp (argstr[0], _T("delete")) == 0) {
Delete (locArgc, pArgs, command);
else if (_tcscmp (argstr[0], _T("start")) == 0) {
Start (locArgc, pArgs, command);
else if (_tcscmp (argstr[0], _T("control")) == 0) {
Control (locArgc, pArgs, command);
else if (_tcscmp (argstr[0], _T("quit")) == 0) {
exitFlag = TRUE;
else _tprintf (_T("\nCommand not recognized"));

CloseServiceHandle (hScm);
return 0;

int Create (int argc, LPTSTR argv[], LPTSTR command)
/* Create a new service as a "demand start" service:
argv[1]: Service Name
argv[2]: Display Name
argv[3]: binary executable */
TCHAR executable[MAX_PATH+1],
quotedExecutable[MAX_PATH+3] = _T("\"");

/* You need full path name, add quotes if there are spaces */
GetFullPathName (argv[3], MAX_PATH+1, executable, NULL);
_tcscat(quotedExecutable, executable);
_tcscat(quotedExecutable, _T("\""));

if (debug) _tprintf (_T("\nService Full Path Name: %s"),

hSc = CreateService (hScm, argv[1], argv[2],
quotedExecutable, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
CloseServiceHandle (hSc); /* No need to retain the handle as
OpenService will query the service DB */
return 0;

/* Delete a service
argv[1]: ServiceName to delete */
int Delete (int argc, LPTSTR argv[], LPTSTR command)

if (debug) _tprintf (_T("\nAbout to delete service: %s"), argv[1]);
hSc = OpenService(hScm, argv[1], DELETE);
DeleteService (hSc);
CloseServiceHandle (hSc);
return 0;

/* Start a named service.
argv[1]: Service name to start */
int Start (int argc, LPTSTR argv[], LPTSTR command)
TCHAR workingDir[MAX_PATH+1];
LPTSTR argvStart[] = {argv[1], workingDir};

GetCurrentDirectory (MAX_PATH+1, workingDir);

/* Get a handle to service named on the command line (argv[1]) */
hSc = OpenService(hScm, argv[1], SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);

/* Start the service with one arg, the working directory */
/* The service name is from the program command line (argv[1]) */
StartService (hSc, 2, argvStart);
CloseServiceHandle (hSc);

return 0;

/* Control a named service.
argv[1]: Service name to control
argv[2]: Control command (case insenstive):
user user defined
static LPCTSTR commandList[] =
{ _T("stop"), _T("pause"), _T("resume"),
_T("interrogate"), _T("user") };
static DWORD controlsAccepted[] = {

int Control (int argc, LPTSTR argv[], LPTSTR command)
DWORD dwControl, i;
BOOL found = FALSE;

if (debug) _tprintf (_T("\nAControl service: %s"), argv[1]);

for (i= 0;
i < sizeof(controlsAccepted)/sizeof(DWORD) && !found; i++)
found = (_tcscmp (commandList[i], argv[2]) == 0);
if (!found) {
_tprintf (_T("\nIllegal Control command %s"), argv[1]);
return 1;
dwControl = controlsAccepted[i-1];
if (dwControl == 128) dwControl = _ttoi (argv[3]);
if (debug) _tprintf (_T("\ndwControl = %d"), dwControl);

hSc = OpenService(hScm, argv[1],

ControlService (hSc, dwControl, &sStatus);

QueryServiceStatus (hSc, &sStatus);
_tprintf (_T("\nStatus from QueryServiceStatus"));
_tprintf (_T("\nSerice Status"));
_tprintf (_T("\ServiceType: %d"), sStatus.dwServiceType);
_tprintf (_T("\CurrentState: %d"), sStatus.dwCurrentState);
_tprintf (_T("\ControlsAccd: %d"), sStatus.dwControlsAccepted);
_tprintf (_T("\Win32ExitCode: %d"), sStatus.dwWin32ExitCode);
_tprintf (_T("\ServiceSpecificExitCode: %d"),
_tprintf (_T("\CheckPoint: %d"), sStatus.dwCheckPoint);
_tprintf (_T("\ndwWaitHint: %d"), sStatus.dwWaitHint);

if (hSc != NULL) CloseServiceHandle (hSc);
return 0;

This example is intended to show how to control services from a program; it does not supplant sc.exe or the Services Administrative tool.

 Run 1 shows SimpleService operation.

Run 1. ServiceShell: Managing Services

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